Percy Jackson Photo Shoot

I discovered Rick Riordan’s books in my early teens and they sparked an interest in mythology and have stayed with me since. In later years, the newer books have provided LGBT+ representation that would have made my younger self cry. Riordan’s books have a special place in my heart – and so do the two characters Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.

My friend Robin and I cosplayed Percy and Annabeth together some years ago and I asked him if he wanted to be a part of an ocean photo shoot. The original plan was to try to shoot some underwater photos, but that required very specific weather conditions and the weather gods weren’t exactly on our side on this particular day. Maybe we will give it another go in a pool at some point. 

Despite the waves and current, we still went into the water and while it looks like we were far out, we were actually very close to the shore and right next to a bridge, which is where our photographer stood. The Scandinavian waters are far from warm and from my previous experience in the water when we filmed the Yasha video, we had about 30 minutes before we cooled down too much and it became unbearable and unsafe. Despite everything it was an amazing and insanely fun experience that resulted in as many hilarious blooper photos as posed ones.

Below are a few tips based on my previous experiences shooting in the ocean.

When shooting in or by the ocean, it’s important to take precautions, make sure you know what you’re getting into. Research the area.

Have at least a few ideas for poses ready. Even with an unexpectedly strong current at play, having an idea of what you want is going to save you and your photographer time in the water – especially if it’s cold.

Make sure your wig is secured properly. The waves can rip it off!

Set your makeup with a good setting spray! I highly recommend getting the fixing spray from Kryolan. It hasn’t failed me yet.

Posing while being in the water is difficult. It can be cold and the waves sometimes brush over you face and when that happens, keeping a relaxed expression isn’t easy. If you have the opportunity to make a test shoot to practice out of costume, that’s a good idea to see how it feels. If it feels scary, then you shouldn’t push yourself. Don’t get hurt for cosplay.

This one might be obvious, but make sure to bring towels and dry clothes to change into afterwards and some waterproof bags to store your wig and costume in. It’s a good idea to ask a friend to come along to assist in keeping an eye on equipment and help out. We were lucky to have Vibe aka Vanellus Cosplay there to be of assistance to us.  

And that’s it. The ocean can be a beautiful setting for photo shoots and remember to have fun and stay safe! You can check out the entire gallery from the photo shoot below and go give some love to the people involved in this project.

Percy Jackson: Instagram | Twitter

Annabeth Chase / editor: Instagram | Twitter

Photographer Rebecca Lyhne: Instagram

Assistant Vibe: Instagram | Twitter

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