Onwards in 2022: new (cos)plans

Onwards in 2022: New (cos)plans

It has taken me nearly two years to be able to look at this site again and reflect on how I want to express my creativity in the future. I’m ready to begin again. In 2019, I had high hopes for my career as a freelancer, but that withered along with the daily routine of the world in 2020.

I’ve always convinced myself that I cosplayed for my own enjoyment, but that was only partially true. Along the way, I let my self-esteem get affected by numbers on social media and that reality hit me hard when I stopped making regular content in 2020. Those numbers started dropping slowly and surely along with my self-esteem. Without the motivation to make new cosplays in an uncertain time, I was faced with the reality of this. It simply wasn’t fun anymore.

Cosplay is a hobby that has changed a lot in the 11 years I’ve participated. I think it’s been a development that happened in parallel with the popularity of social media. It has always been a somewhat performative hobby, but paired with inspiration from the wave of influencers, posting, staying visible and achieving high numbers somehow took the main focus. There’s nothing wrong with doing this or using that to monetize on a hobby, but it simply wasn’t the way for me.

But Cami, why do you still run a site with a blog and shop then?” Valid question, dear reader. Simply because it started out as something I wanted to do for fun and I wish for it to be so in the future. And maybe I am nostalgic for the good ol’ Tumblr days. It took a break and several new hobbies for me to realize that I want make things again with renewed enjoyment. It will be in my own steady way, and not because numbers or productivity defines my worth (easier said than done, but you get the gist).

Below is a peak at some of things I’ve made so far in 2022. Additionally, I’ve gotten my hands on fabric for Vex’ahlia (Legend of Vox Machina) and Caitlyn (Arcane). I look forward to this year and making new cosplay memories. 

Until next time, stay safe!

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